keep movement alive
Character Movement Work

Busy? The best way to keep movement alive

As an actor, by default, you end up juggling a lot of things.  Auditions, searching for auditions, traveling for auditions (or setting up your home studio), marketing, researching for new monologues or songs, staying in touch with what’s current,…


Actors: 3 free & easy ways to aid your body

Our bodies are oh so smart. Our brains are too smart for their own good too sometimes. They like to talk to each other and make decisions that we’ve got no real awareness of.  I’d say this is usually…

how characters move
Character Movement Work

Should I care about how characters move?

Calling all actors and cosplayers! You’re here! Absolutely brilliant. Glad you could make it. So, I’m guessing you like to develop characters, right? Whether it’s a character that already exists in the world, via cannon, or a real person…