Hey! *waves* Thanks for swinging by. I’m Katherine Stroller and it’s lovely to meet you.
I hang out in fictional worlds for a living. Wouldn’t have it any other way. Through acting, writing, and teaching character movement my focus is on the power of storytelling and the ability it has to provide entertainment as well as promote action for positive change.
I’ve been creating for a very long time, feels like multiple lifetimes really. An early memory is playing the role of a gummy bear in a production of The Night Before Christmas for a modern dance community company when I was…I think about six. (yep that’s me-platinum pig-tailed blonde just below.) Still one of my favorite roles.

If you’re interested in seeing details about my acting work you can click here to see my resume and specific projects I’ve worked on.
I’ve been teaching character movement and offering movement coaching for about three years. You can see more info about that here.